Peperomia abyssinica Miquel 1845
Syn. Peperomia goetzeana, Peperomia stuhlmannii
Name: from Abysinnia (Ethiopia) (North Africa)
Young leaves are more succulent than older leaves.
Native to moss-covered rocky outcrops and rainforests of Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda, sometimes growing as an epiphyte.
Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pavón 1798
Name: Latin acuminata = gradually tapering to a point referring to the leaves
Thick scrambling green stems, rooting at their nodes where they touch the ground, with alternate, oval thickened, waxy green leaves with pointed tips.
Native to Peru. Often seen as a variegated form as shown here.
 Peperomia caperata cv. luna red (AGM)
 Peperomia caperata variegata |
Peperomia caperata Yuncker 1958
Name: Latin caperata = wrinkled
The green deeply veined heart-shaped leaves on red petioles of the wild plant have largely been displaced in cultivation by numerous selected forms with red and bronze leaves. During the Summer, narrow white flower spikes are produced.
Native to the South American rainforest, probably Brazil, but described from a cultivated specimen. Although well known before 1958, there was no valid botanical description.
Not at all hardy but does well as a window-ledge plant, providing it isn't over-watered, and is quite widely cultivated.
Peperomia clusiifolia (Jacquin) Hooker 1829 (Red Edge Peperomia)
Name: with leaves similar to genus Clusia, named for Charles de l'Écluse (Latinized: Carolus Clusius) (1526 - 1609) a Dutch botanist
This species has thick reddened stems and fleshy, waxy dark green leaves with a red margin. Flowers are yellow or brown narrow spikes.
Native to the West Indies and Venezuela. Numerous selected named forms are in circulation.
An easy, tolerant houseplant.
 Peperomia clusiifolia variegata |
 P. clusiifolia var. tricolour |
Peperomia clusiifolia var. tricolor has thick stems and fleshy, waxy green, pink and silver variegated leaves. A very showy plant.
Peperomia clusiifolia variegata has thick stems and fleshy, waxy green and silver variegated leaves.
Peperomia dahlstedtii A.C.P. de Candolle 1923 (Vining Peperomia)
Named for: Gustav Adolf Hugo Dahlstedt (1856 - 1934) Swedish botanist
The reddish-brown stems of this prostrate Peperomia bear dark-green ovate succulent leaves that are striped longitudinally with a lighter green along their veins.
Native to Central and South America.
Peperomia dolabriformis Kunth 1815 (Prayer Peperomia)
Name: Latin dolabratus = shaped like an axe, referring to the leaves
Very succulent stems produce fleshy light-green leaves, shaped like segments of a sphere with darker-green windows along their curved upper surface. The slender, branching inflorescence is green.
Native to tropical forests of Peru, growing as an epiphyte on rotten logs and leaf litter on the forest floor. As a forest-floor dweller this very succulent Peperomia grows best in bright diffuse light but not full sun. Not hard to grow but avoid over-watering.
Peperomia fenzlei Regel 1879
Named for: Eduard Fenzl (1808 - 1879) Austrian botanist
Of unknown origin. Described from a cultivated plant.
Peperomia ferreyrae Yuncker 1956
Named for: Alejandro Huerta Ramón Ferreyra (1910 - 2005) Peruvian botanist
Green stems bearing long, narrow light green leaves with a darker-green window along their curved upper surface.
Native to tropical forests of Peru. As a forest-floor dweller this very succulent Peperomia grows best in bright diffuse light but not full sun.
Left: Grown and photographed by Robert Swan.
Peperomia fraseri A.C.P. de Candolle 1866 Syn. Peperomia resediflora Linden & André
Named for: John Fraser (1750-1811); Scottish nurseryman, plant collector & botanist
This Peperomia has upright stems bearing large rounded to heart-shaped glossy green leaves with incised venation.
The inflorescence consists of a 2ft reddish, branching peduncle topped with slightly fragrant, white bottle-brush flowers.
Native to rainforests of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. A striking Peperomia that is worth growing for its flowers.
Peperomia flexicaulis Wawra 1862
Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth 1816
Syn. Peperomia glutinosa Millspaugh 1898
Peperomia graveolens Rauh & Barthlott 1975
Name: Latin graveolens means "bad smelling," referring to the flower spike
This small-growing Peperomia is a real gem with red stems supporting succulent, ovate, glossy red leaves with a green window on their upper surface. The inflorescence is a greenish spike with a mousy odour on a red peduncle.
Native to dry mountains of Southern Ecuador, growing at elevations of up to 8000ft.
Left: Grown and photographed by Robert Swan.
Peperomia griseoargentea Yuncker 1958
Name: Latin griseoargentea = grey + silver
This species has deeply veined heart-shaped, silvery-gray foliage, tinted green or copper along the veins.
Native to Brazil. Numerous selected forms are in circulation.
Peperomia hoffmannii A.C.P. de Candolle 1866
Named for: Karl Hoffmann (1823 -1859) physician & naturalist who studied & collected flora of Costa Rica
This Peperomia creeps along the ground or hangs down, with tiny green leaves in groups of three at the nodes of the green stems. The spikes of white flowers are shorter and slightly thicker, so less like rat's tails, than on many Peperomias.
Native to South and Meso-America from Brazil to Mexico.
Peperomia incana (Haw.) A. Dietrich 1831 (Felted Peperomia)
Name: Latin incana = grey
Stout green sprawling stems support alternate, ovate grey-green leaves covered with fine white hairs.
Native to Brazil. A very tolerant, robust plant.
Peperomia lanceolata A.C.P. de Candolle 1866
Name: Latin lanceolata = lance shaped
Trailing brown stems have small sword-shaped dark green leaves with the vein pattern incised into the leaf surface and in some clones delineated in light green.
Native to Ecuador.
Peperomia macrostachya A. Dietrich 1831
Name: Latin macrostachya = large spikes
An epiphytic climber with trailing red stems and succulent, waxy, ovate green leaves with pointed tips. The flower spike is brownish.
Native to Central and South America including Bolivia, Peru. An infusion of the leaves is traditionally used as a diuretic. The seeds produce an odour that attracts ants as an aid to seed dispersal and Peperomia macrostachya is a common component of ant gardens. The reward is a fleshy aril, but the seeds contain a compound that is toxic to ants.
Peperomia maypurensis Kunth 1816
Syn. Peperomia ornata Yuncker 1954
Name: of the region of the Maypure (Maipure), an extinct Amazonian tribe
Native to Venezuela and Peru.
Peperomia nitida variegata Dahlstedt 1900
Name: Latin nitidus = shining, bright
Native to South America including Brazil.
Peperomia nivalis Miquel 1843
Name: Latin nivalis = of the snow
This dwarf species has green stems with ovate, fleshy green leaves becoming reddened in strong light. The upper surface of the leaf is grooved with a green window. The branching inflorescence is yellowish-green.
Native to Peru.
Left: Grown and photographed by Robert Swan.
Peperomia obtusifolia A. Dietrich 1831 (Baby Rubber Tree )
Name: Latin obtusifolia = blunt-leaved
A low shrubby ground cover Peperomia with cupped glossy dark-green leaves with may have drip tips or notched ends. The short reddish stems are brittle but root easily.
Native to the Caribbean, Mexico and Florida. Selected cultivars are in circulation including forms with cream, gray or gold variegation.
Peperomia prostrata B.S. Williams 1879
Name: Latin prostrata = prostrate
Peperomia prostrata creeps across the surface forming a dense mat of thin vining stems with succulent, fleshy rounded leaves whose surface is marked with a network of veins in lighter green. The narrow flower spike is reddish-brown.
Native to rainforest of Brazil. Great for a hanging basket. The vines root as they touch the soil but don't go deep and can be grown on damp moss.
Peperomia pseudovariegata A.C.P. de Candolle 1869
Name: Latin pseudovariegata = mistaken for a variegate
This plant has large ovate dark-green leaves with their veins marked in light green and with prominent drip tips. Flower spikes are brown.
Native to Columbia, Ecuador and Peru.
Peperomia reticulata I.B. Balfour 1877
Name: Latin reticulata = net-like
This creeping Peperomia has reddish stems and small lanceolate green leaves. Flower spikes are green.
Native to Rodriguez Island in the Indian Ocean.
Peperomia rubella Hooker 1823
Name: Latin rubella = slightly red
This creeping Peperomia has red stems bearing dark-green oval leaves with red undersides, arranged in clusters of four. The slender inflorescence is green.
Native to Jamaica.
Peperomia tetragona Ruiz & Pavón 1798 (Parallel Peperomia )
Syn. Peperomia puteolata Trelease 1836
Native to Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru
Peperomia trifolia (Linnaeus) A. Dietrich 1831
Reddish-green stems support rounded leaves in groups of three. Greenish flower spikes produce tiny white flowers.
Native to the Caribbean islands of Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Peperomia trinervula A.C.P. de Candolle 1869 Syn. Peperomia rotundata trinervula
Name: Latin trinervula = small three veined
A small vining Peperomia with ovate green leaves. The green stems become reddish-brown with maturity.
The flower spike is green.
Native to Venezuela.
Peperomia urocarpa Fischer & Meyer 1838
Name: Greek oura = tail + Latin carpa = fruit
This distinctive trailing Peperomia has red stems and succulent rounded emerald-green leaves.
Native to Brazil and islands of the the Eastern Caribbean including Saba, St. Kitts, Guadeloupe, St. Lucia and Greater Antilles.
This Peperomia was labelled as Peperomia aurocarpa but I can't validate that name.
Peperomia vestita de Candolle 1998 var. lindenii Rauh 2000
Name: Latin vestita refers to the plants' vestments - pubescence covering the younger leaves.
This unusual shrubby Peperomia has thick grey stems and ovate leaves that are pubescent when young. In var. vestita the leaves are densely pubescent but in var. lindenii shown here the hairs are shed as the leaves age. A branching red flower stem supports the branching green inflorescence.
Native to Bolivia.
Peperomia sp.
This Peperomia has a small tuber which supports the vegetative growth.
Similar to Peperomia macrorhiza Kunth 1815
from Northern Peru.
Peperomia cv. Gorgeous
Peperomia sp.
Labelled as Peperomia repii but clearly isn't that species which has shiny purple-green, bronze to dark green leaves.
Probably a form of Peperomia rubella Hooker 1823
Peperomia sp.
Labelled as Peperomia tristachya Kunth 1815 but clearly isn't that species.
Still an attractive plant.
Peperomia sp.
This species has brown stems with small lanceolate leaves that are inrolled a little along their longitudinal axis. The flower spikes are greenish.