Colours are given in the sRGB color space as hexadecimal numbers
      ( e.g. color="#c0ffc0" bgcolor="#c0ffc0" ) ( Note spelling )
or as one of 16 widely recognised colour names. These colours were originally picked as being the standard 16 colours supported with the Windows VGA palette and are supposedly compatible between different platforms.
You will need Navigator 3.0 / Internet Explorer 3.0 or later to see the colour table.
Netscape Navigator 2.0 and above and Internet Explorer 3.0 and above support the 16 standard colours listed above and a larger palette of colours which are shown below. As these extra colours are not standardised, it is not safe to use their colour names in published web pages, but the names may be useful for development work. The corresponding hexadecimal colour value can then be substituted on the final page. Many of the differences between colours are too subtle to be distinguished unless you have a monitor capable of displaying more than 256 colours. Differences in exact rendering of some colours may be observed between different browsers and platforms.
This page is © copyright RJ Hodgkiss 2004. Last update: 20th November 2004. |