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I'm generally happy to provide a free link on the Botanical Bookmarks page to web sites (amateur or commercial) with a cactus or succulent plant theme, providing that other unsuitable material is not being promoted. Links to other plant-related sites or relevant resources may be considered. Succulent plant-related societies are grouped on the Societies page.
Please contact webmaster to discuss how I can help you.
I'm happy to see other sites linking to any page here, but please do not link directly to any of the individual resources such as graphics. Linking to graphics on remote sites is generally considered poor page design, slows down loading your page, and could put an excessive load on my host server. Images will change without notice and directly-linked images may be replaced with alternative material.
Commercial advertising is being removed from The Succulent Plant Page and this site will soon be advert-free.
I don't need help with web page and image editing, search engine optimisation and web site design.

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