This collection is intended as a starting point for those with a botanical interest, especially related to succulent plants. This page was last updated 5th August 2023 at which time all links were believed to be correct. Some links may be listed under more than one heading.
Please note that some servers may not respond at any one time, because they are down for maintenance, overloaded by users or through a faulty Net connection. Other links refuse automatic link checkers, so are verified manually from time to time.
I am generally happy to provide a free link on this page to relevant web sites (amateur or commercial) with a cactus or succulent plant theme.
All links offered purely for information "as seen". No recommendation of any organisation or web site is implied.
Email: webmaster with suggestions.
Links on this page are checked with the W3C Link Checker Earlier notification of broken, stale or inappropriate links is welcome as are suggestions for additional bookmarks.
Mainly plants: collections of links
Searchable Digital Libraries
Mainly plants: specific topics
British Garden Plant Nurseries & Seed Merchants 
Listed for reference only. No recommendation of any organisation is implied.
- Abacus Nurseries - Dahlias - mail order
- The Alpine and Grass Nursery - mail order - Lincolnshire
- Architectural Plants - large exotic and hardy plants - Surrey
- Arundel Arboretum - unique trees, shrubs, conifers - Sussex, UK
- Ashwood Nurseries - Hellebores, Cyclamen, Lewisias
- Avondale Nursery unusual herbaceous perennials - Coventry
- Avon Mill Garden Centre - Devon
- Aylett Nurseries - Hertfordshire
- Bakker - bulbs & seeds - mail order
- Bali-Hai Nursery - Hosta specialist - mail order, N. Ireland
- Barracott Plants - rare perennials - mail order, Cornwall
- Beeches Nursery - herbaceous plants - Essex
- Bernwode Plants - Rare Hardy Plants, Apple & Fruit Trees - Bucks

Big Plant Nursery - Palms, Agaves, Tree Ferns and large plants - West Sussex
- Blooms of Bressingham - Alan Blooms' Garden and Steam Museum - Norfolk
- Botanic Nursery - foxgloves, grasses, ferns, perennials, shrubs & climbers - Wiltshire
- Wildegoose Nurseries - Bouts Violas - Worcestershire
- Bowden Hostas - mail-order - Devon
- Brighter Blooms - Zantedeschia & Tulips
- Broadleigh Gardens - small bulbs & unusual perennials - Somerset
- Burncose Nurseries - mail-order - Cornwall
- Cally Gardens - Fyfe, Scotland
- Cants of Colchester - Roses
- Carpenders Park Garden Centre & Plant Nursery - Hertfordshire
- Chiltern Seeds - Cumbria
- - wide selection of garden plants
- Crûg Farm Nursery - wide selection of garden plants
- Daisy Roots - choice & unusual hardy perennial plants - Hertford
- D'Arcy & Everest - Alpines, Herbs, Perennials - Cambs.
- Devon Violet Nursery - plants and violet products
- Dibleys - Streptocarpus, Gesneriads, Begonias - N. Wales
- Dobies Seeds
- Downderry Nursery - Lavender - Kent
- DT Brown Seeds
- Duchy of Cornwall Nursery - Flowering & Foliage plants
- Edulis Nursery & Landscape Design - Berkshire
- Enviromat - Sedum Matting
- Eurodahlia - Dahlias - mail order
- Fryer's Roses - Cheshire
- Groves Nurseries - National Collection of Viola odorata, Parma and Devon Violets - Dorset
- Grow Seed - vegetable, fruit seeds & plants - mail order
- Hardy's Cottage Garden Plants
- Harkness Roses - mail order
- Hart Canna - UK National Collection of Canna - Hants
- Harts Nursery - Lily & bulb specialists - Cheshire
- Hartside Nursery Garden - Plants with Altitude - Cumbria
- Heirloom Tomatoes & Vegetable Seeds
- Heritage Orchids - Pleiones, Cypripedium & Hardy Orchids - Bucks
- Heucheraholics - Heuchera & Heucherella, Pulmonaria - Hampshire
- Hillier Garden Centres
- Hopley's Plants
- Jacques Amand - bulbs - UK & USA
- Johnsons Seeds
- Bowdens - Hostas, hardy bamboo, ferns - mail order
- Kings Seeds
- Kevock Garden Plants - alpines, bog plants - Scotland
- Knoll Gardens grasses & perennials
- Madrona Nursery trees, shrubs, perennials, ferns & grasses - Kent
- Marshalls Seeds
- Monksilver Nursery - exotic hardy plants, bulbs, shrubs
- Mr. Fothergills Seeds
- Nicky's Nursery - Seeds including Wildflowers
- North Walsham Garden Centre - Roses, Fruit Trees
- Penberth Plants - grasses, hardy succulents, Camelias, exotics (was Trewidden)
- Pennard Plants - exotic hardy plants, bulbs
- - Heuchera & Heucherella including National Collection, alpines - Cheshire
- Plants of Distinction Seeds
- Potash Nursery - Fuchsia specialists - Suffolk
- Prestige Plants - Topiary - Suffolk
- Rare Plants
- Robinson's Mammoth Vegetable Seed
- Roseland House Garden & Nursery - Clematis & climbers - Cornwall
- Rotherview Nursery - Alpines, Troughs, Ferns, Camellias - W. Sussex
- Scotplants - Heathers, Trees, Ayreshire
- Seagate Irises - Lincolnshire
- Grasslands - shrubs, turf, ground cover - Cheshire
- Stillingfleet Lodge Garden & Nurseries - National collection of Pulmonarias - York
- Sunnybank Vine Nursery - Herefordshire
- Suttons Seeds
- Thompson & Morgan - British Seedsmen
- Trebrown Nurseries - On-line shopping for palm seeds / cycad seeds / banana seeds / other exotic plant seeds
- Trees Online - fruit, ornamental, hedging trees and shrubs
- Trevena Cross Nurseries - exotic hardy plants, bulbs
- Walkers bulbs - daffodils
- Westcountry Lupins
- Wood Cottage Nursery - Clematis, perennals, shrubs - Kent
International Garden Plant Nurseries & Seed Merchants
Listed for reference only. No recommendation of any organisation is implied.
Garden Resources
- Access - mini greenhouses - UK
- Agriframes - fruit cages and garden supports
- AgriSeek - agricultural marketplace - bulk crop seed
- Alitex Greenhouses - UK
- Australian Nurseries Online
- Champion - timber decking, fencing, buildings - UK
- EXTOXNET - insecticides, properties, toxicity, side - effects
- Fleur de Lys - unusual conservatory plants - UK
- - UK
- Greenhouses Direct - UK
- The Greenhouse - UK
- Greenhouse Sensation - propagators and greenhouse accesories - UK
- Greenhouse Stores - greenhouses, sheds, summerhouses, log cabins and garages - UK
- Green Roof Shelters - UK
- Griffin Glasshouses Ltd. - UK
- Gabriel Ash Greenhouses - greenhouses - UK
- Harrod Horticultural - gardening products - UK
- The Incredibly Sensible Greenhouse Company - UK
- Marshalls - landscaping, paving, walling - UK
- Peritys - dutch light timber greenhouses - UK
- Silverland Stone - natural stone paving - UK
- Sundance Supply - Polycarbonate, Ventilation, Shade Cloth, Misting & Heating Equipment, for Greenhouses & Sunrooms
- Topiary ArtWorks and greenhouses - Kansas, USA
- Two Wests & Elliott Ltd. - UK greenhouse gardening equipment, staging
- Viresco - UK - Aquatic and Horticultural products
- White Cottage Leisure Buidings - UK
- Wienerberger Bricks - UK
- William James Fruit Cages & Garden Equipment - UK manufacturers of fruit cages and supplier of other garden equipment. Products include fruit cages, vegetable cages, timber raised beds, garden netting, water butts, patio planters, bulldog garden tools and more
- Wind and Sun Ltd. - renewable energy power systems
- WoodBlocX Raised Beds - timber raised beds and planters for gardeners
- World Climate
Garden Art
Mainly Plants: by type or genus
Cacti and Succulents
- The Amateur's Digest - complete guide to home and garden
- Artificial Cactus - Succulents - USA
- Australian Succulents - Australia
- Cacti_etc - home - page of the cacti_etc. discussion group
- Cacti of the El Paso, Texas Region - USA
- Cactus Aventures International - European magazine
- Cactus & Co. International Society
- The Cactus File - publishers
- - France
- Opuntia et mammillaria en Périgord - France
- Cactus T-shirts, Gifts
- - identify cacti
- Cactus Pruner - tools
- Cactus and Succulent Forum - bulletin - board type discussion page
- Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall - comprehensive list & cluster of cactus & succulent plant sites
- CITES - the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora site
- Chilean Cacti
- Clarke Brunt's Home Page - cacti in Chile, Mexico, Peru and BCSS Cambridge UK
- - - - - - - Cold Hardy Succulent Plants - - - - - - - -
- Benny's hardy Cactus Page - Denmark
- Cold Hardy Cacti / Succulents - Sweden
- Hardy Tropicals UK
- Minimum temperatures for succulent genera - Italian
- Winter Hardy Cacti - Denmark
- Ralph's Hardy Cactus Garden - UK
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Collector's Corner - Succulents, Hoya, Yucca
- Computer and Cacti - Homepage of Achim Hecktheuer, Dresden
- Desert Tropicals
- International Succulent Introductions (ISI) page
- El Paso Cactus Club - flowering cacti of the region
- Thommy's Kakteendatenbank, Kakteen und Sukkulenten - German pages
- Keith's Plant Books
- le Cactus Alpin - France
- les Cactus et Succulentes - France
- Arizona Flora - Arizona Native Plant Society, USA
- South-Eastern Wildflowers & Plants - USA
- N. American species of cacti (Coulter 1894)
- Other Succulents (Fachgesellschaft andere Sukkulenten)
- Au Cactus Francophone - France
- Professional Association for Cactus Development (PACD)
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK - data, publications etc.
- Ralph Martin's cactus page (BCSS Cardiff Branch, U.K.)
- Smithsonian catalogue of botanical illustrations including Britton and Rose, Cactacae
- South-West School of Botanical Medicine - images and information about medicinal plants
- - currency, stamps, phone cards etc. - German and English
- The Succulent Plant Page
- A World of Southern African Succulents - South Africa
- Succulentas - Spain
- - South Africa
- USDA National Plants Database - search on e.g. cactaceae !
- Yowichiros Web Site - Japan
- Xerophilia virtual magazine - Romania
- Xerophyta retinervis - RSA
- Flora of Zimbabwe
Cacti and Succulents by Genus
- - - - - - - Adenia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Adenia
- - - - - - - Adenium - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Adeniums of Hawaii
- The Adenium pages - desert roses
- Adenium Store - Adenium Seeds, Plumeria Seeds & Adenium Plants - UK
- The Desert Rose
- Durham Botanicals - Adenium, Plumeria - USA
- - - - - - - Agavaceae - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Agave Page - UK
- The Agave Pages - UK
- National Collection of Agave - UK
- American Agavaceae
- - - - - - - Aizoaceae / Mesembs - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Cono's Paradise - Lithops, Conophytums, Mesembs, Succulents and Cacti (Germany)
- Lithops Cultivation Guide - UK
- Achim Hecktheuer's Mesemb Site - Germany
- Mesemb Study Group - UK
- - - - - - - Aloaceae - - - - - - - - - - - -
- The Aloe Page
- Aloes
- Aloe Institute - California, USA
- Bulbine Page
- - - - - - - See also: Haworthia & Gasteria - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Ariocarpus - living rocks of Mexico
- - - - - - - Asclepiadaceae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- The Asclepiad Page
- Asclepidarium - English & German
- Plants of the Asclepiadaceae Family
- The Asclepiad Exhibition
- Butterfly Encounters - Asclepias, milkweed seeds, information & pictures
- Paul Shirley Succulents - Netherlands
- Ceropegia Journal
- East Asian Flora Web - Dischidias
- Fockea
- - - - - - - Hoya - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Christinas Hoyas - Sweden
- The Hoya Page - UK
- Hoya World
- International Hoya Society
- Hoya Society (Swedish)
- Favourite Hoyas
- Green Plant Research - Rare Hoyas - huge catalogue, many pictures - Hawaii, USA
- Variegated Hoyas
- Stapeliads - Orchids of the Succulent World
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Astrophytum Home Page
- Astrophytum Lover's Resources
- - - - - - - Bromeliads - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Bromeliad Encyclopedia - Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies
- - - - - - - Caudiciforms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Bihrmann's Caudiciforms
- Plantemania Caudiciforms etc. - France
- - - - - - - Coryphantha - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - Crassulaceae - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Adromischus Displayed
- American Crassulaceae
- International Crassulaceae Network
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Echinocereus Home Page (German)
- Echinocereus und Epicacteen
- - - - - - - Epiphytic Cacti - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Epiphyllum Society of America
- Epiphytic Plant Research and Information Center (EPRIC) - Netherlands
- Rhipsalis, Lepismium, Hatiora, Pfeiffera, Schlumbergera
- Rhipsalis
- Schlumbergera
- - - - - - - Euphorbia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- The Spurge Page - UK
- Euphorbia
- PlantzAfrica - South African National Biodiversity Institute
- Succulent Euphorbia
- The Poinsettia Pages - not succulent but a common query
- Euphorbiaceae - medicinal / toxic substances
- Frailea Information Base
- - - - - - - Fouquieriaceae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- The Fouquieria Page
- - - - - - - Gymnocalycium - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Gymnocalycium - USA
- Gymnocalycium checklist - German
- The Genus Gymnocalycium - in English and German
- - - - - - - Haworthia & Gasteria - - - - - - - - - - -
- Asphodelaceae Anonymous
- The Gasteria Page
- The Haworthia Page
- Alshaworthia - France
- Haworthia Society
- Haworthia & Gasteria
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Mr. Impatiens Bizzie Lizzies - USA
- Lophophora - small Mexican species - Denmark
- - - - - - - Echinopsis / Lobivia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- The Genus Lobivia
- - - - - - - Mammillaria - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - Melocactus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- 35 Types of Melocactus: Melon Cactus Care and Propagation Guide
- Melocactus - Slovakia
- Melocactus - USA
- Genus: Melocactus - USA
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - Mesembs ----> Aizoaceae - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Moringa Home Page
- Morning Glory Database including Ipomoea - Japan
- - - - - - - Opuntia - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Opuntia Identification Guide and Checklist
- Opuntiads of the USA
- - - - - - - Nolinaceae - - - - - - - - - - - -
- The Beaucarnea-Calibanus clade
- The Nolina Page
- - - - - - - Palm Trees & Cycads - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- European Palm Society
- International Palm Society
- Palm Diseases and Disorders
- Palmweb - from RBG Kew
- The Palm Tree Page
- The Palm Centre - hardy exotic plants - Richmond, UK
- Plantas Tropipalms - Palms, olive trees, exotic trees - Spain
- Trebrown Nurseries - On-line shopping for palm seeds / cycad seeds / banana seeds / other exotic plant seeds - Cornwall, UK
Cacti & Succulents in Habitat, National Parks & Botanic Gardens
- Adelaide Botanic Gardens - Australia
- Andromeda Botanic Gardens - Barbados
- Arizona - Sonora Desert Museum - USA
- Bermuda Botanic Gardens
- Botanic Gardens Trust, Sydney - follow link to Royal Botanic Gardens - Australia
- Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg - Bavaria
- Botanischer Garten Bochum - Germany
- Boyce-Thompson Aboretum, Arizona - USA
- Cacti in Mexico - lots of pictures
- Cactimundo Los Cabos Botanical Gardens - San Jose del Cabo, Baja California, Mexico
- Cactus Park - Bessan, France
- Christchurch Botanic Gardens - New Zealand
- Death Valley National Park - California, USA
- Desert Botanical Garden - Phoenix, Az
- Jardín Botánico Nacional de Cuba
- Jardin Botanique de Montréal - Canada
- Jardin de Cactus - Lanzarote
- Jardin Exotique de Monaco - France
- Jardin d'Oiseaux Tropicaux - France
- Jardin Exotique de Roscoff - France
- Joshua Tree National Park - California, USA
- Complete Guide to Joshua Tree National Park
- Karoo Desert National Botanic Garden - South Africa
- Kirstenbosch National Botanic Garden - South Africa
- Linz Botanic Garden - Austria
- National Parks Service - USA
- Organ Pipe National Monument - Ajo, Az, USA
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - UK
- Ruth Bancroft Garden - California, USA
- Saguaro National Park - Tucson, Az, USA
- San Antonio Botanical Gardens - USA
- Stanford Succulent Garden - USA
- San Francisco Botanical Garden - (Strybing Arboretum)
- SuccSeed - travelogues & habitat photos
- Tohono Chul Park - Tucson, Az, USA
- Tucson Botanical Gardens - Az, USA
- University of California Botanic Garden - USA
- University of Copenhagen Botanic Garden - Denmark
- University of Ghent Botanic Garden - Belgium
- University of Sofia Botanic Garden, Balchik - Bulgaria
- Zilker Botanical Garden - Austin, Tx., USA
Cactus & Succulent Plant Nurseries & Seed Suppliers |
This list is provided for reference only. No recommendation of any organisation is implied.
- Cactus Shop - Westfield Cacti mail-order - UK
- California Cactus Center - USA
- Conophytums from Chris Rogerson - UK
- Cono's Paradise - Lithops, Conophytums, Mesembs, Succulents & Cacti - Germany
- Croston Cacti - Lancashire UK
- de Barmon Seed List
- Smart Plants - hardy Sedums, Thyme, succulents - British Columbia
- Ecoscape NurseryCalifornia (Aloe polyphylla) - USA
- Eden Plants Haworthia, Stapeliads - Germany
- - seeds of succulent and exotic plants - Germany
- Flores Ceropegia, Hoya, Stapeliads - Germany
- Glasshouse Works - Ohio USA
- The GreenWeb - a wide variety of seeds and growing information
- Grigsby Cactus Gardens 2002 Wish List - California USA
- High Country Gardens Plants for the Western Garden and Beyond - Santa Fe NM. USA
- Hoodia Ranch - Canary Islands
- Jardin Naturel - Reunion Island
- Kakteengartnerei-A. Plapp - Bavaria
- Kakteen-Haage - Germany's oldest nursery (1822)
- Kambroo Plants - Haworthia, Gasteria, Stapeliads - Pretoria, South Africa
- Mesa Garden - New Mexico USA
- Miles To Go - lots of pictures - USA
- Mountain Crest Gardens - hardy & soft succulents - California, USA
- Navajo Country - Fritz Hochstatter's Nurtsery
- Pacific Epiphyllum Nursery - California, USA
- Paul Shirley Succulents - Specialising in Ceropegia, Hoya, Stapeliads and Epiphyllums - Netherlands
- Plantlife - Eastbourne, UK
- Rareexoticseeds - flower seeds
- Rare Plant Research - Oregon, USA
- Robinson Cactus Nursery - Wrexham, Wales
- William's Cacti - Yorkshire, UK
- - Germany
- Rio Grande Cacti cacti of the Southwestern United States - New Mexico, USA
- Silverhill Seeds - South African seed specialists
- Simply Succulents Nursery - Wisconsin
- SMG Succulents Sedum, Sempervivum - Oregon, USA
- Steven Hammer's Sphaeroid Institute - Conophytum, Haworthia etc. - USA
- SMG Succulents - Specialising in hardy succulents - Oregon, USA
- Soekershof Walkabout - nursery, maze, botanic gardens - South Africa
- Southfield Nurseries - cacti & succulents - Lincolnshire, UK
- Starr Nursery - Agavaceae, Liliaceae, and Nolinaceae - USA
- Sticky Situation - Tucson, Arizona USA - a wide range of cacti and succulents
- SuccSeed - Swedish cactus seed source - Travelogues & Habitat photos
- Thaising Ceropegias, Dischidias, Hoyas and more - Thailand
- Tobees Exotics - UK - mail order only
- Tony Irons - seedling cacti - UK
- TyTy Online Plant & Tree Nursery - Yuccas, Agaves - USA
- uhlig-kakteen - Cactus and Succulent plants and seeds
- Valley Succulents - Canada's online source for cacti and succulents
- Brookside Nursery - Asclepiads, Euphorbias, Sansevierias and more - Italy
Plant Conservation & Biodiversity