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Order Lamiales

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The Lamiales is an order of at least 10 families and 11,000 species of dicotyledenous flowering herbs and shrubs. Recent taxonomic revisions have extended the scope of the Lamiales but time will tell as to whether these changes become permanent. The Lamiales includes several genera of popular ornamental house-plants, some of which are succulent, from the families Gesneriaceae and Lamiaceae.
The Lamiaceae (Mint Family), from which the Order Lamiales takes its name, includes many important aromatic culinary herbs such as basil, hyssop, marjoram, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, savory, thyme and lavender. Members of the genus Nepeta (Catmints) have aromatic foliage that attracts cats. The genus Lamium includes 40 - 50 species of dead-nettles, mimicking true nettles but without stinging hairs.
Many species from the genera Solenostemon (Syn. Coleus) and Plectranthus have a degree of succulence but the majority are not usually shown as succulent plants. However, Solenostemon scutellarioides is an important horticultural plant, grown in large numbers as decorative foliage plants. Three African species of Plectranthus are cultivated for their edible tubers.
The Gesneriaceae includes the popular choice caudiciform Sinningia leucotricha, (Cardinal flower), Sinningia speciosa, (Florists Gloxinia), Nematanthus, Saintpaulia (African violets), Steptocarpus. and many other popular window-ledge plants
The family Pedaliaceae includes the genus Uncarina with several flowering caudiciform shrubs, often seen in collections of succulent plants.