This page is image-intensive. Please allow time for thumbnails to load. Run your cursor over images to reveal the names of the Gymnosperms. Click on an image of a Gymnosperm to embiggen it. More information can be obtained by following the linked Genus or Family headers. This catalogue can also be seen as a text list of illustrations
All images are © copyright R.J. Hodgkiss or of the original authors where cited. Please do not link directly to any images on this site or use images without permission. Image locations will be changed frequently.
Family Boweniaceae - Cycads - woody xerophytes
Bowenia - sometimes placed in Stangeriaceae or Zamiaceae

Family Cycadaceae - Cycads - woody xerophytes

Family Stangeriaceae - Cycads - woody xerophytes
Stangeria - monotypic genus

Family Zamiaceae - Cycads - woody xerophytes





Microcycas - monotypic genus


Family: Welwitschiaceae - primitive cone-bearing plants
Welwitschia - monotypic genus