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A brief career history ...
... of a native Manucunian now living in South-East England.
Born in the Year of the Snake.
After education as a Foundation Scholar at The Manchester Grammar School, I read Biochemistry at Worcester College, Oxford and studied for a PhD with the late Dr. Margaret Fox at the Paterson Laboratories, now Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute.

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My career in cancer research at the Gray Cancer Institute (formerly the Gray Laboratory) at Mount Vernon Hospital covered a variety of interests including redox-active compounds as radiation-modifiers, bioreductive probes for hypoxia in mammalian cells, factors influencing the response of tumours to therapy, and in the prediction of this response, multi-photon imaging of tumours and tissues.

Huernia boleana
Richard J. Hodgkiss'
Drawings Ephemera My Favourite Recipe The Succulent
Plant Page
Out in the
Noon-Day Sun

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Other Interests . . .
include dabbling in electronics, an extensive website, growing numerous succulent plants in an east-facing conservatory in south-east England and searching for and photographing cacti and other succulent plants in their habitats. The collection includes a selection of small-growing North American cacti - species that I have been fortunate to find and photograph in the deserts of the south-west USA and a few that I would have liked to find. Most of the collection consists of the "other succulents" including Euphorbias, Asclepiads and caudiciforms.

As growing space indoors is limited, a small collection of frost-hardy succulent plants are kept outside throughout the year. New species are tried each winter - a few survive. The collection also includes a selection of Cactus Kitsch including pin badges, keyrings, pottery and glassware in the shape of, or depicting cacti or other succulent plants.


Movie: Lily Pond - Autumn Movie: Lily Pond - Summer Movie: Great Dorset Steam Fair 2009 Movie: Peacocks in Kew Gardens Movie: The Long March Movie: Chinese New Year Parade 2019 3D succulent: Sinningia leucotricha 3D: Bluebells 3D: Cliveden