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Eastcote Horticultural Society
Annual letter from the Chairman to all our members

Gerry Edwards - Chairman THE CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE FOR 2025 
  As gardeners we are constantly being challenged by the weather. 2024 was no exception. Our members still managed to produce excellent exhibits for the three shows. I was pleased to see new exhibitors displaying for the first time. This is good for the future of the Society's shows, particularly as some of these are younger members.
We had two coach trips in 2024, to Chenies Manor Tulip Festival and to Waterperry Gardens. These were both new venues for our Society's trips and their success indicates they are likely to be repeated in the future.
Our Trading Secretary continues to support the Friends of Eastcote House Gardens by setting up a plant sales stall at their events. These are important community events where local groups have the opportunity to work together.
2025 is the Society's 85th year. This milestone reminds me that on the History page of our website are extracts from our archive, including the minutes from the founding meeting on 27th August 1940. These make interesting reading from a social history perspective.
I'd like to thank some key supporters of the Society :-
• our President, Catherine Dann, who presents the awards at every show and vice-Presidents Pam and Colin Spires who often judge and advise on the content of our show schedules.
• our Eastcote Ward Councillors Becky Haggar, Nick Denys and Ian Edwards. With their support we received a Ward Budget Grant to finance a new noticeboard which you may have seen in the grounds of the Trading Hut.
• our key sponsor, Robert Cooper Estate Agents. In addition to financial support, they print our material for the shows and their team help us with setup each morning of a show. We are most grateful for everything they do.
Thank you to you, our members, for continuing to support the Society. I wish you a good gardening 2025.
Gerry Edwards. Chairman - Eastcote Horticultural Society.