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Eastcote Horticultural Society

The Eastcote Horticultural Society has been assisting local gardeners for over 80 years. In 2020 the Society celebrated 80 years since it was founded. It is a not-for-profit community organisation run solely by volunteers for the benefit of our members. The proceeds from trading contribute towards our shows and hut maintenance.
to metroland It was formed at a time when "grow your own" was an important survival tactic in the war years. 1940 saw the introduction of food rationing. The community around Eastcote and Ruislip had developed in the late 1920s "Metroland". This was when the Metropolitan Line was extended out to the green fields and meadows and people from inner London came to live here.
Large gardens and allotments encouraged folks to try home grown produce during the years when fresh fruit and vegetables were not plentiful in the local stores.
It is hoped the Society will be around for many more years to meet its aims of promoting local horticulture and supporting the gardeners in the community.


Delving into the Society's old records I have unearthed some fascinating stories. I include some documents here so more people can enjoy the history of the Society and the role it has played in the local area over the decades.
Ron Edwards was a local historian, and father to our present Chairman, Gerry Edwards. Ron wrote a history of the Society in five chapters, which were printed in the annual bulletins from 1992 - 1996.
"The History of EHS" by Ron Edwards - articles 1992 - 1996 (pdf)
Hand written notes by Ron Edwards covering the history of the Society from 1940 - 1944, plus a list of officers for this period.
Ron Edwards hand-written history up to 1944
The Society's second secretary, elected on 13 July 1941, was Mr J.S Ranger, who lived in Crescent Gardens, Eastcote. He wrote a history of the Society from 1944 to 1961. This was completed in January 1962. It was handwritten and sent to a Mrs Ward in Torbay Road, Harrow to type. The archive includes his handwritten version and the final typed copy. It is the typed version attached here.
Mr. J.S. Ranger's History of the Society 1944 - 1961 (pdf)
In the archives there are a number of notebooks of various Minutes. The most important of these is the handwritten Minute of the meeting held on Tuesday 27th August 1940 recording "that a War Time Allotment Association be formed....the Association be called The Eastcote Allotment Association."
Eastcote Allotment Association Minute Book 1940
This is the first bulletin issued by the Society and was in the style of "Allotment Notes", issued in January 1941 and written by Jack Hardy. You'll notice the Society was called The Eastcote Allotment Association at that time.
Bulletin Series 1 No. 1 January 1941 (pdf)
In this Bulletin, issued in August 1942, there is a record of the Society's founding in August 1940 and its development over the first couple of years.
Bulletin Series 2 No. 8 August 1942 (pdf)
The Bulletin from December 1942 includes the AGM report. The Society has over 700 members and is the largest in the district.
Bulletin Series 3 No. 3 December 1942 (pdf)
A Membership Form from 1943 includes the aims and objectives of the Society at that time. Membership numbers were rapidly increasing and at over 850.
Membership info 1943 (pdf)
Sue Alexander - Chair, Show Committee and Social Secretary

go to Top  Special Events 2024
Coach Trip to Chenies Manor Tulip Festival   22nd April 2024
Spring Show  16th March 2024
Summer Show  15th June 2024

go to Top  Special Events 2023
Spring Show  11th March 2023
Coach Trip to RHS Hyde Hall   22nd April 2023
Summer Show  17th June 2023
Flower Festival, St. Lawrence Church, Eastcote. 23rd-25th June 2023
Autumn Show  9 th September 2023
Second Coach Trip to RHS Hyde Hall   22nd April 2023

go to Top  Special Events 2022
Spring Show  12th March 2022
Coach Trip to RHS Wisley   23rd April 2022
Annual General Meeting   8th May 2022
Summer Show  11th June 2022
Autumn Show  10th September 2022
Remembrance Sunday  13th November 2022

go to Top  Special Events 2021
Annual General Meeting   10th May 2021
Online Autumn Show Gallery  11th September 2021  
and  Gallery of Gardens
Summer Show Online  12th June 2021
Spring Show Online  13th March 2021

go to Top  80th Anniversary 2020
Spring Show  14th March 2020
Annual General Meeting   2020
Online Summer Show Gallery
Online Celebration of Harvest Gallery

go to Top  Special Events 2019
Spring Show  16th March 2019
Coach Trip to The Savill Garden   27th April 2019
Annual General Meeting   12th May 2019
Summer Show  15th June 2019
Coach Trip to Waddesdon Manor   28th September 2019
RHS Affiliated Societies Cup   5 - 6th October 2019

go to Top  Special Events 2018
Spring Show  17th March 2018
EHS President, Catherine Dann receives Freedom of the Borough of Hillingdon   12th April 2018
Coach Trip to RHS Hyde Hall   12th May 2018
Annual General Meeting   13th May 2018
Summer Show  16th June 2018
Autumn Show  8th September 2018
RHS Affiliated Societies Cup   2nd October 2018
Remembrance Day Service 11th November 2018
Annual Dinner   14th November 2018

go to Top  Special Events 2017
Spring Show  18th March 2017
Coach Trip to RHS Wisley   6th May 2017
Summer Show  17th June 2017
Autumn Show  9th September 2017
RHS Affiliated Societies Cup   3rd October 2017
Annual Dinner   8th November 2017

go to Top  Special Events 2016
Spring Show  12th March 2016
Coach Trip to Royal Botanic Gardens Kew     23rd April 2016
Annual General Meeting   24th April 2016
Eastcote House Gardens Plant Sale   4th June 2016
Summer Show  18th June 2016
Autumn Show  10th September 2016
RHS Affiliated Societies Cup   4th October 2016
Annual Dinner   9th November 2016
Coach Trip to Waddesdon Manor   10th December 2016

go to Top  Special Events 2015
Spring Show  21st March 2015
Annual General Meeting   25th April 2015
Coach Trip to RHS Wisley   30th May 2015
Eastcote House Gardens Plant Sale   6th June 2015
Summer Show   13th June 2015
Autumn Show   12th September 2015
RHS Affiliated Societies Cup   6th October 2015
Annual Dinner   12th November 2015
Coach Trip to Waddesdon Manor   21st November 2015

go to Top  Special Events 2014
Spring Show  15th March 2014
Coach Trip to RHS Hyde Hall   16th April 2014
Annual General Meeting   7th May 2014
Summer Show   14th June 2014
Coach Trip to RHS Wisley   26th September 2014
Autumn Show   6th September 2014
Letter from Mayor of Hillingdon
RHS Affiliated Societies Cup   7th October 2014

go to Top  Special Events 2013
Spring Show  16th March 2013
Annual Quiz   20th April 2013
Annual General Meeting   8th May 2013
Coach Trip to RHS Wisley   8th June 2013
Summer Show  15th June 2013
Autumn Show  7th September 2013
RHS Affiliated Societies Cup   8th October 2013
Annual Dinner   20th November 2013

Towards the end of 2012, the Society was contacted through our website by a gentleman called Martin from Ashford in Kent. Martin had been clearing a loft following his uncle's death and had found a small cup engraved with the Society's name. He took the trouble to search the web for the Society and having made contact, Sue Alexander from the Society visited Martin to collect the cup and find out more.
The 5" high cup is engraved with the name "C Wright" on one side and "Eastcote Horticultural Society, The Bickerton Cup, September 1951" on the other. The Society used to award winners with their own individual miniature cups and this is one of these.

Bickerton Cup Bickerton Cup Bickerton Cup

Martin told us that Mr Wright lived in Eastcote prior to lodging with a friend, who was his uncle and lived in Ashford in Kent. Mr Wright died prior to his uncle and some of his belongings seemed to have remained in his uncle's loft.
We are very grateful to Martin for making contact and providing the Society with a glimpse into its history.

go to Top  Special Events 2012
Spring Show  17th March 2012
Annual Quiz   21st April 2012
Summer Show  16th June 2012
Autumn Show  8th September 2012
Coach Trip to RHS Wisley   15th September 2012
RHS Affiliated Societies Cup   9th October 2012
Annual Dinner   20th November 2012
Eastcote Christmas Fair  2nd December 2012

go to Top  Special Events 2011
Spring Show  19th March 2011
Annual Quiz   2nd April 2011
Coach Trip to RHS Wisley   21st May 2011
Summer Show  18th June 2011
Autumn Show  10th September 2011
RHS Affiliated Societies Cup   5th October 2011
Annual Dinner   16th November 2011

go to Top  70th Anniversary 2010: Summary
Spring Show  20th March 2010
Bluebell Planting   10th April 2010
Summer Show  19th June 2010
Eastcote Celebration & Teddy Bear's Picnic 17th July 2010
Coach Trip to RHS Wisley   4th September 2010
Autumn Show  11th September 2010
Annual Dinner   16th November 2010

go to Top  Special Events 2009
Spring Show  21st March 2009
Summer Show  20th June 2009
Autumn Show  12th September 2009

go to Top  Special Events 2008
Spring Show  15th March 2008
Summer Show  21st June 2008
Autumn Show  13th September 2008