RHS Fruit and Vegetable Competition
At the RHS London Harvest Show, 3rd October 2017, EHS won the Affiliated Societies Challenge Cup for the best collection of 9 dishes of apples and pears and the EJ White Trophy for the best apples in the Show with a dish of Cox's Orange Pippin. Both displays made by Gerry Edwards.
2017 was an outstanding year for apples and pears due to the warm weather in early spring which meant that the bees were flying well at flowering time. This meant that we had a good selection of top fruit to choose from for the RHS London Harvest Show enabled us once again to winning the RHS Affiliated Societies Cup. As in previous years recently we had competitors from Devon and Nottingham - but in quality terms our exhibit was considerably better and justifiably earned the top award. We were also fortunate to be awarded the E.J. White Cup for the best dish of apples in the whole Show - the Cox's Orange Pippin.
The dishes of fruit exhibited in this entry were:
Ashmead's Kernel
Cox's Orange Pippin
Golden Delicious
Blenheim Orange
Bramley's Seedling
Howgate Wonder
Doyenne du Comice