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Eastcote Horticultural Society
Annual General Meeting

Annual Awards

Each year the Society holds an Annual General Meeting which is open to all members and is an opportunity for members to ask questions of the Committee.
The Society's AGM was held on Sunday 12 th May 2024 at the Trading Hut. Our President, Catherine Dann, and our Vice Presidents, Pam and Colin Spires, agreed to continue in their roles. Catherine Dann addressed the meeting. The formal agenda included the Secretary delivering the report of the year's activities and the Treasurer presenting the audited accounts.

  Society's Officers  
Chair Gerry Edwards
Deputy Chair Sue Alexander
General Secretary Richard Lefley
Treasurer Wayne Hirst
Trading Secretary Alan Thomas
Chair, Show Committee and Social Secretary Sue Alexander
Membership Secretary Mary Evans
Show Manager Viv Lefley
Committee Members David Barlow
Colin Jones

All officers can be contacted via our email address: eastcotehorticultural@yahoo.co.uk

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement
The Eastcote Horticultural Society is a not-for-profit community organisation run solely by volunteers for the benefit of its members. Our members and our volunteers are in the local community, and these are the people we aim to serve.
Our approach and procedures are intended to ensure fairness for all and to reinforce the Society's commitment to deliver fair, accessible and relevant activities. We encourage all our members to take part in the activities of the Society, in whichever way they choose and is most relevant to them. We want people of all ages and sectors of the community in Eastcote to feel valued and be able to fully participate in, and develop an interest in, horticulture and our other related activities.

General Data Protection legislation 2018
General Data Protection legislation from May 2018 governs the way we manage personal data. The legislation's principle of "purpose limitation" states that you should only process personal data for the purpose that you originally intended. In the case of the EHS this purpose relates to horticulture and the other activities included in our Shows.