November 2024 - End of season celebration
The end of season celebration with mince pies, sausage rolls and mulled wine was held at the Trading Hut on Sunday 24 November 2024. Our sponsor Robert Cooper Estate Agents’ founder and director, Steve Pursey and our President, Catherine Dann drew the raffle.

Friends of Eastcote House Summer Picnic
The EHS was invited to take a stall at the Friends of Eastcote House Summer Picnic on Saturday 1 June 2024. Our plant stall looked stunning at the start of the event and proved very popular, with little stock left at the end of the afternoon. The event was well attended with activities going on throughout the day which included Morris Dancing, a live band, dog show and ferret racing. It was delightful to have the opportunity to be a part of a successful local community event.
Spring Show 2024
We were delighted that our main sponsor, Robert Cooper Estate Agent, was able to join us at the Spring Show in March 2024. A team of 4 people from the office helped with the setup of the show at 8 am. During the afternoon Robert Cooper Estate Agent’s founder and director, Steve Pursey and Steve’s wife, Marilyn, met with our President, Catherine Dann and were introduced to the Worshipful the Mayor of Hillingdon, Cllr Shehryar Ahmad-Wallana.
Bonsai Cherry
We are delighted that one of our members has shared a photo of his bonsai in flower.
Thank you, Derek.
November 2023 - Trading Hut
Robert Cooper Estate Agents founder and director, Steve Pursey (on left), our President, Catherine Dann and our Vice Presidents, Pam & Colin Spires joined the Christmas celebration at the Trading Hut on Sunday 26 November 2023.
Members offered discount at B&B on Isle of Wight.
Click here for info
Rosemary was a committee member before she and her husband, David moved to Shanklin on the Isle of Wight to run a B&B. They would be delighted to welcome EHS members and are offering us a discount. Take a look at their lovely home, Westbury Lodge on the website or telephone them on 01983 864926.
We welcome our sponsor, Stillwater Bathroom Centre, to the Trading Hut.
November 2020: Our President, Catherine Dann, with the Directors from our major sponsor Stillwater Bathroom Centre, Sachin Patel on her right and Terry Patel on her left, visited the Trading Hut. They drew the winning tickets for the raffle, in a socially distanced way. This was the first time Terry and his son, Sachin with his family, had been to the Trading Hut. They bought some plants and other gardening items.
Spring Show 2020
The Eastcote Horticultural Society was delighted that the Worshipful the Mayor and Mayoress of Hillingdon, Councillor David Yarrow and Mary O'Connor MBE were able to attend the Spring Show on 14th March 2020.
They spent the afternoon looking at the exhibits and enjoying tea and homemade cake with our Society's President, Catherine Dann and Chairman, Gerry Edwards. The Mayor presented the Annual Awards for 2019 and the Spring Show Awards. He closed with a few remarks on his visit.
Summer Show 2019
We were delighted that the Society's major sponsor who has been a supporter for many years, Terry Patel, Director of Stillwater Bathroom Centre, came to the Summer Show in 2019.
Photo left to right: Gerry Edwards, the Mayoress Mary O'Connor MBE, the Mayor Councillor David Yarrow, Catherine Dann and Terry Patel
Summer Show 2017
This was the first time that Terry Patel was available to join us at one of our shows. Catherine Dann, our President, escorted him around the show benches.
Photo: Terry Patel and Catherine Dann.
RHS Fruit and Vegetable Competition 2019
I am delighted to advise you that EHS once again won the Affiliated Societies Cup for a collection of 9 dishes of apples and pears.
We also won the new cup for the best collection of fruit at the whole Show.
The Show was held at RHS Hyde Hall from 4 - 6th October 2019.
Gerry Edwards
Our Chairman, Gerry Edwards, recently had a book published by the National Vegetable Society, aimed at gardeners & allotmenteers wishing to grow fruit for the first time and those wishing to expand their range of knowledge. Gerry Edwards was awarded the RHS Veitch Memorial Medal in 2018. Gerry is the Chair of the RHS Fruit Group, Chair of the UK Orchard Network, Vice Chair of the RHS Fruit, Vegetable & Herb Committee, member of the RHS Fruit Trials Assessment Forum and a Fellow of the National Vegetable Society. Copies of the book are available from Gerry at £3.99 plus postage. If you'd like a copy please email Gerry:
gerryedwards@blueyonder.co.uk or phone on 07768 657797. Gerry is very happy to sign a book should you wish.