Eastcote Celebration
In July the Eastcote Conservation Panel, the Friends of Eastcote House Gardens and the Eastcote Residents' Association worked together with the Council to organise a celebration of Eastcote. This was to mark the official opening of the replanted beds in the Walled Garden on 17th July. There was a fantastic turnout from local community groups and the warm weather led to a well attended day.
The Society had a teddy bears' picnic with over 20 bears being brought along by visitors. The bears sat together under a gazebo with tea and cake. We were relieved that all the owners remembered to collect their bears at the end of the afternoon.
One of our members kindly offered to do face painting next to our teddy bears and there was a queue for her services all day.
Several of our members' families had their own "grown-up" picnics whilst keeping an eye on the teddy bears.